start to 2020 Season
Poor weather conditions forced a premature
halt to The Press Radio and TV Golf Society season opener at Howth
Golf Club on Monday 9th March. The dozen or so intrepid souls
who perhaps unwisely braved the elements eventually chose the warmth
of the Clubhouse instead of the inhospitable environs of Howth Head
and returned to base with some sanity intact. Consequently,
the AGM was brought forward by an hour and was reasonably well attended.
The minutes from last year, together with reports of the Secretary
and Treasurer were presented and after discussion, duly proposed and
seconded. The fixture list for the coming year was unveiled, with
the noteable dates being President's Day at Woodbrook on June 29th
and Captain's Day at Luttrellstown on July 27th. The trip to Mullingar
is scheduled for Aug 24, more of which anon.
In his outgoing adress, 2019 Captain Eddie Hearns remembered our 4
dearly departed members who sadly passed away in the last 12 months,
Peter Rea, Paul Tighe, Eamonn Healy and Eddie Staunton, may they rest
in peace. Before thanking the members for their support throughout
his year of office, he welcomed 3 new members to the ranks for 2020
- Breda Murtagh, Tom Meehan and Des Moffat and trusted they would
have an enjoyable association with the Society. He then proposed Barney
Keville as incoming Captain.
The elected committee for 2020 is as follows:
President - Ian Corr, Captain - Barney Keville, Vice-Captain - Anne
Marie Kerney,
Hon.Secretary - Paul McCarthy, Hon.Treasurer - John Foley, H/Caps
- Michael Farrell Ex.Officio - Eddie Hearns, General - Ray Maguire,
Paddy Higgins, Dave Green,
Brian Moran, Brian Kelly, Myles Cronan. There being no motions for
discussion, the meeting closed before 4 p.m.
Please Note: The Outing to Portmarnock
Monday 23rd March has been cancelled
Any further changes to the proposed
calendar will be published in due course
Please contact
Paul (087 2642637) for further details.
Full 2020 Fixtures