Greystones - Monday 15th October
Refixed Outing

Overall: Myles Cronan (12) 36pts
Class 1:
1: Peter Rea (9) 35pts
2: Pat O'Donovan (5) 27pts OL2
3: Michael Farrell (6) 27pts
Class 2:
1: John Keane (11) 33pts
2: Des Long (12) 30pts
3: Tom McGrane (12) 27pts
Class 3:
1: John O'Sullivan (20) 31pts
2: Don Farrell (17) 28pts
3: Denis Foley (18) 26pts

Next Outing: European Club - Monday 12th Nov. (10 to 11.30)
Timesheet with Paul McCarthy 01-8402123/087-2642637

Michael Carwood Memorial Match
PRTV lost to Dublin Journalists
Overall Match Score now stands at 5 wins each